When you ask the children in our program what they’d like to be when they grow up, they often mention being a teacher.
When you ask the teachers of Seeds of Hope what that aspire to be, they always mention our director Jessie.
Jessie is the “soul of Seeds of Hope” says Addie Abu Saada, Seeds of Hope’s Director of Communication. “She was one of our very first employees and has recruited, trained, inspired, and nurtured all our teachers.” Her secret to recruiting perfect Seeds of Hope teachers: “look for people with big hearts!”
“Due to Jessie’s passion to recruit, train, and nurture, we have virtually no turnover in our teachers” says Addie. Students are with us for several years and the stability of familiar teacher faces – faces full of the love that come from “big hearts” is what makes Seeds of Hope like no other school in the area.
Our schools provide a unique environment that reinforces self-esteem and inspires creativity and learning. Our schools are in high demand; we’re able to support growing numbers of children with incredible leaders like Jessie due to our donors. Like all organizations, our largest expense is our teacher salaries. Tuition paid by the students doesn’t cover the cost of our teachers. We are grateful to our donors who make it possible for Jessie to hire and train the right type of teachers that are critical to making our program exceptional.
Jessie is our Tree of Hope!
Always growing,
Seeds of Hope