If you’ve been connected with Seeds of Hope for any time at all, you’ve probably heard about the long-term goals we have for our school. You know about our dream to create a full-service educational campus that welcomes students from daycare through high school graduation. We hope for the day that students can enjoy the loving, supportive environment our teachers and staff create for their entire childhood—making an indelible mark on their hearts with our core values curriculum.

Students listen attentively in our third grade class—the latest addition to the Seeds of Hope school.
We recently took a big step forward toward accomplishing that goal.
As you may know, in the fall of 2020, we opened the latest phase in our growth plans when we completed construction on our existing school and added classrooms to house the third and fourth grades. The next stage in development is to secure land to create temporary classrooms that will allow us to continue to grow while we identify a location for our permanent home.
“We’ve seen what’s happening with the children and their families and the impact Seeds of Hope is having. We want them to stay as long as possible.”
-Khader Ghanim, Seeds of Hope CEO

The third grade class enjoys a lesson in their classroom. Construction finished just in time for the 2020 school year and created room to add two new grades over the course of two years at Seeds of Hope.
When we talked recently with our friends at Compassion Christian Church, one of our church partners, they asked us what priorities we had for the next few years. We shared with them about a vacant plot of land next door to the Seeds of Hope school that would give us the ability to continue adding grades each year—all the way up to the eighth grade!
After hearing about our plans, we received an incredibly generous gift from the team at Compassion to aid us in purchasing the land and setting up the temporary classrooms. This investment covers over half of the project costs. But more important than that, it may be just what we need to secure the land itself. We’ve been in negotiations with the owner for months, and this added financial security will give us an even better position.

The existing Seeds of Hope school building is almost full. We are hoping to establish temporary classrooms in the empty lot next door.
“We feel absolutely blessed and excited to be able to join in what is happening with the Seeds of Hope schools,” said Dave Stewart, the Executive Pastor of Outreach at Compassion Christian Church. “The responsibilities we all embrace to equip future generations helps ensure, without a doubt, the best is yet to come!”
Purchasing this land will not only allow us to continue to grow, but it’s also an investment in our community. When we first established our school, the neighborhood was struggling, but it has grown and changed over the years as we’ve worked to give back and clean up the area. “We want to leave our community better than we found it,” says Khader Ghanim, Seeds of Hope CEO. “Our neighbors know that the change is because of Seeds of Hope, and they appreciate us for it.” We want to continue that legacy by revitalizing the empty lot and turning it into an incredible new space for children and families.
We would love for you to join us in prayer for the future of our school and the purchase of the land. Khader said it best: “We’re trusting God that we will be able to buy the land—no matter what. It’s just a matter of time.”

The third grade class poses in the lot they hope to see become their fifth through eighth grade classrooms!