Across the world, the Christmas season means a lot of things: songs and decorations, presents, and time spent with loved ones. In Jericho, where less than 1% of the population is Christian, Christmas is another reason for parties and dancing. Still, many of these traditions are absent of the true meaning behind the holiday.
This year at Seeds of Hope, we’re celebrating Christmas in ways we’ve never been able to before. As we’ve grown in influence and trust with the community, we now have the opportunity to express our faith a little more readily. People would immediately dismiss Seeds of Hope in the past because they knew that many of our team were Christian. But after seeing our impact on the community, they’re more open.
“I’m so proud of where we are now because we didn’t give up. We’re using this Christmas to really shine and make an impact in the community.”
–Khader Ghanim, Seeds of Hope CEO
At Seeds of Hope…
Last week we gathered with our staff for our annual Christmas celebration. This is always a special time of year to celebrate what we’ve accomplished together, give gifts, and enjoy time as a Seeds of Hope family. This year, in addition to our normal traditions, we invited our friend, Pastor Nihad Salman, to share a message about the true meaning of Christmas, sang Christmas songs, and prayed together.
In addition, we’re taking steps this year to begin outreach efforts to our Muslim staff members. For years, we’ve taught our Core Values curriculum in our schools. It’s an accessible, inoffensive way to share our values with students and build their character. Lessons about things like trust, compassion, and forgiveness help our students grow emotionally and relationally. We’re excited to begin a Core Values curriculum for our staff next year. As our staff continues to grow, we believe this will bring our team into even greater harmony and unity and ensure that Seeds of Hope remains a loving and encouraging environment for everyone.
In the Community…
Later this week, we have the opportunity to do something that’s never been done in our community. We’ve tried for years to get a gathering together of all the Christian organizations in Jericho. There are only about 350 Christians in the whole area, and we’ve longed for a chance to gather together and encourage one another.
After many years of resistance and roadblocks, it’s finally happening, and we can’t think of a better time of year. Seeds of Hope is coming together with Emmanuel Church and other local Catholic churches to have a time of worship and reflection on the true meaning of Christmas. In the midst of the parties and superficial aspects of the holiday, this will be a time to remember what it all means.
While our staff was excited to help plan the event, every organization can participate and share in the service. “We hope a gathering like this will bring a sense of community that followers of Jesus do not often find in our area,” said Fuad Jaddou, Community Outreach Director at Seeds of Hope. “After a long time of praying for God to open this door, we’re grateful to be able to move forward with our plan.”
We hope this is the first of many gatherings like this and that we will see this community grow over the years as we strengthen and encourage each other.
Looking back over the history of Seeds of Hope, we never imagined that we would come this far in reaching out to our community and shining the light of Jesus. We’re so grateful for your support and encouragement that has sustained our efforts through the years.